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All About Parquet Part 06 - Encoding in Parquet | Optimizing for Storage

Published: at 09:00 AM

In the last blog, we explored the various compression techniques supported by Parquet to reduce file size and improve query performance. But compression alone isn’t enough to maximize storage efficiency. Parquet also utilizes encoding techniques to further optimize how data is stored, especially for columns with repetitive or predictable patterns. In this post, we’ll dive into how encoding works in Parquet, the different types of encoding it supports, and how to use them to reduce storage footprint while maintaining performance.

What is Encoding in Parquet?

Encoding is the process of transforming data into a more efficient format to save space without losing information. In Parquet, encoding is applied to column data before compression. While compression algorithms focus on reducing redundancy at the byte level, encoding techniques work on the logical structure of the data, particularly for columns with repeating or predictable values.

By using encoding in combination with compression, Parquet achieves smaller file sizes and faster query performance. The choice of encoding is determined by the characteristics of the data in each column. Let’s take a look at the most common encoding techniques used in Parquet.

Types of Encoding in Parquet

Parquet supports several encoding techniques, each designed for specific types of data patterns. Here are the most commonly used ones:

1. Dictionary Encoding

Dictionary encoding is one of the most effective techniques for columns that contain repeated values. It works by creating a dictionary of unique values and then replacing each value in the column with a reference to the dictionary. This significantly reduces the amount of data stored, especially for categorical data.

2. Run-Length Encoding (RLE)

Run-Length Encoding (RLE) is another powerful technique for compressing columns with consecutive repeating values. It works by storing the value once along with the number of times it repeats, instead of storing the repeated value multiple times.

3. Bit-Packing

Bit-packing is an encoding technique that reduces the number of bits used to store small integers. Instead of storing each integer as a fixed-size 32-bit or 64-bit value, bit-packing stores each integer in the smallest number of bits necessary to represent it. This is particularly useful for columns that contain small integers, such as IDs or categorical data with a limited number of categories.

4. Delta Encoding

Delta encoding is used to store differences between consecutive values rather than storing the full values themselves. This works well for columns where values are close together or follow a predictable pattern, such as timestamps, IDs, or monotonically increasing numbers.

5. Plain Encoding

Plain encoding is the default encoding method in Parquet and is used for columns where no other encoding is more effective. It simply stores the values as they are, without any additional compression or optimization.

Combining Encoding with Compression

The true power of Parquet comes from combining encoding with compression. For example, using dictionary encoding for a column with many repeated values, followed by Gzip compression, can lead to significant reductions in file size. Similarly, run-length encoding paired with ZSTD compression works well for columns with repeated sequences.

Here are some common pairings of encoding and compression techniques:

Optimizing Encoding for Performance

While encoding can reduce file size, it’s important to balance encoding choices with query performance. Certain encoding techniques, such as dictionary encoding, can improve query speed by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned. However, overly aggressive encoding can sometimes lead to slower read performance if it adds too much complexity to the decoding process.

Here are some tips for optimizing encoding in Parquet:


Encoding is a powerful tool for optimizing storage and performance in Parquet files. By choosing the right encoding technique for each column, you can reduce file size while maintaining fast query performance. Whether you’re working with categorical data, ordered values, or repeated patterns, Parquet’s flexible encoding options allow you to tailor your data storage to fit your workload’s specific needs.

In the next post, we’ll dive into how metadata is used in Parquet files to further optimize data retrieval and improve query efficiency.

Stay tuned for part 7: Metadata in Parquet: Improving Data Efficiency.