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Why Data Analysts, Engineers, Architects and Scientists Should Care about Dremio and Apache Iceberg

Published: at 09:00 AM

Data architecture is an ever-evolving landscape. Over the years, we’ve witnessed the shift from on-premises data warehouses to on-premises data lakes, then to cloud-based data warehouses and lakes. Now we’re seeing a growing trend toward hybrid infrastructure. One thing is clear: change is inevitable. That’s why it’s crucial to have a flexible architecture, allowing you to embrace future innovations without overhauling your entire data ecosystem.

In this article, I’ll explore why data professionals—whether you’re a data analyst, engineer, architect, or scientist—should care about technologies like Apache Iceberg and Dremio. I’ll explain how these tools can simplify your workflow while maintaining the flexibility you need.

What is Dremio?

Dremio is a Lakehouse Platform designed to help you unlock the full potential of your existing data lake by embracing three key architectural trends: the data lakehouse, data mesh, and data virtualization.

Beyond enabling you to maximize the value and accessibility of your data, Dremio offers flexibility in deployment, whether on-premises or in the cloud. It can also access data from both environments, delivering unmatched flexibility and data unification.

What is Apache Iceberg?

Apache Iceberg is a table format that brings data warehouse-like functionality to your data lake by utilizing Apache Parquet files. Iceberg acts as a metadata layer around groups of Parquet files, offering three key capabilities:

By enabling your data lake to function as a data warehouse, Apache Iceberg, when paired with a Lakehouse platform like Dremio, allows you to efficiently manage your Iceberg tables while unifying them with other data sources across databases, data lakes, and data warehouses.

Why Data Engineers Should Care?

Data engineers face various daily challenges when dealing with complex data ecosystems. These challenges often stem from data silos, governance issues, and managing long chains of pipelines. Here are some of the most common pain points:

How Apache Iceberg and Dremio Alleviate These Challenges

Apache Iceberg and Dremio provide a powerful combination that addresses these challenges with modern, scalable solutions:

By leveraging Dremio and Apache Iceberg, data engineers can spend less time troubleshooting and managing infrastructure, and more time driving innovation and delivering value to the business.

Why Data Architects Should Care

Streamlining Data Architect Challenges with Dremio and Apache Iceberg

Data Architects are critical in designing and maintaining scalable, efficient, and future-proof data platforms. Their primary challenges often include managing the complexity of data infrastructure, controlling costs, and ensuring that the platform is easy for teams across the organization to adopt. Here’s how Dremio and Apache Iceberg help overcome these challenges:

With Dremio and Apache Iceberg, data architects can build a scalable, low-maintenance platform that delivers high performance at a lower cost, while ensuring that it’s accessible and valuable to the entire organization.

Why Does it Matter for Data Analysts?

Data analysts often face several challenges in their day-to-day work, including navigating access to various data systems, waiting on data engineering teams for minor modeling updates, and dealing with the redundancy of different teams redefining the same metrics across multiple BI tools. These inefficiencies slow down analysis and limit the ability to deliver timely insights. Here’s how Dremio and Apache Iceberg can help overcome these hurdles:

By leveraging Dremio’s self-service capabilities and Apache Iceberg’s ability to manage large datasets directly in the data lake, analysts gain faster access to data, more control over data modeling, and a unified platform that ensures consistent metrics, leading to quicker, more reliable insights.

Why Does it Matter for Data Scientists?

Enhancing Data Science Workflows with Dremio and Apache Iceberg

Data scientists face unique challenges when working with large, complex datasets across various platforms. They often struggle with data accessibility, managing ever-growing data volumes, and ensuring reproducibility and version control in their workflows. Lakehouse platforms like Dremio, combined with table formats like Apache Iceberg, offer powerful solutions to these challenges:

By leveraging Dremio’s Lakehouse Platform and Apache Iceberg tables, data scientists can streamline their workflows, gain faster access to critical data, ensure reproducibility, and scale their experiments more effectively, all while minimizing the complexity and overhead typically associated with large-scale data science projects.


Data professionals across the board—whether you’re a data engineer, architect, analyst, or scientist—face the common challenges of navigating complex data systems, maintaining performance, and ensuring scalability. As the data landscape evolves, adopting technologies that provide flexibility, reduce overhead, and improve accessibility is crucial.

Dremio and Apache Iceberg offer powerful solutions that enable you to manage your data with greater efficiency, scalability, and performance. With Dremio’s Lakehouse Platform and Iceberg’s table format, you can unify your data silos, streamline pipelines, and access real-time insights—all while lowering costs and minimizing maintenance.

If you’re looking to build a future-proof data architecture that meets the needs of your entire organization, embracing a Lakehouse approach with Dremio and Apache Iceberg will empower your teams to make better, faster decisions while keeping data governance and management simple.

Resources to Learn More about Iceberg